Bristol children's hospital research centre set to be built

Harrison, 11, and his mother

New research facility will "make a real difference," according to a boy who participated in a drug trial that changed his life.

Harrison, a young boy from Somerset who has cystic fibrosis (CF), recently participated in a fruitful research study at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

The hospital will soon receive a brand-new research facility where ground-breaking therapies can be tested on even more local kids.

According to Suzanne, Harrison's mother, "It was the best thing we've ever done.".

Without a dedicated research facility, the hospital is the largest children's hospital in the UK.

Bristol Children's Hospital
The hospital's research center is soon to begin construction.

Chris Monk, chair of Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity (BWHC), stated that there are few opportunities in the area for young patients with terminal illnesses to enroll in potentially life-saving research trials.

According to Suzanne, Harrison's condition was discovered only three weeks after his birth.

"It was quite big news for us. We absolutely didn't anticipate it, she said.

Harrison's lung function started to decline when he was eight, and he began to visit the hospital frequently.

"Life had become bug after bug after bug," Suzanne said.

Two years after joining a revolutionary drug trial at the hospital Harrison's lung function increased from 70 percent to 94 percent and he's living an active and happy life.

"Everybody we know can see how massively different he is health-wise," Suzanne said.

"He plays football, still kicks a ball around, still rides his bike, he's an active young proper boy.

"I never thought I'd see that light at the end of the tunnel and now I have.  He's a totally different child, thanks to research. ".

Chris Monk
Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity has been raising money for the new centre.

The £1m project will give up to 20 percent more young patients the opportunity to take part in research projects that could help in the development of cures for rare conditions.

"This groundbreaking facility will transform treatments, cures for poorly children will be discovered, and countless lives will be improved today, tomorrow and well into the future," Mr Monk added.

Construction of the research centre will soon get under way.

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