In order to free up hospital beds, Northampton Center will accept patients

D. Neale

A rehabilitation center that was established as a pilot project to free up hospital beds will continue to operate all year.

People who are not yet ready to go home after a hospital stay can receive short-term care in the 51-bed unit at Turn Furlong in Northampton.

The NHS and West Northamptonshire Council jointly manage it.

It would help relieve "pressure on the system," according to Matt Golby of West Northamptonshire Council.

Matt Golby
The center, according to Matt Golby, is a case of the NHS collaborating more closely with the council to support the neighborhood hospitals.

Patients from hospitals and people who might require additional community support are admitted to the residential unit.

Health and social care professionals working for the council and Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust provide patient care.

Between the center's opening in November 2022 and the end of May, 204 admissions took place.

61 percent of those patients, according to the foundation trust, were later released and returned to their usual residence.

Turn Furlong
Along with receiving medical care, Turn Furlong's residents also participate in social activities.

The authority, which is under Conservative control, will provide patients with "the best treatment before they are allowed back home to live as independently as they can," according to Mr. Golby, cabinet member for adult care, wellbeing, and health integration.

Hospitals are constantly under pressure to free up beds for patients arriving during the winter, he continued.

The center, according to him, "was one of the first of its kind in all of England.".

Mr. Golby continued, "This is a bit of a trailblazer.".

Dawn Watts
Turn Furlong's manager, Dawn Watts, claimed that patients felt more at home there.

The facility provides medical care, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation services in addition to social events and classes on things like gardening and cooking.

It was "providing the right care for everyone here to meet everyone's needs," according to manager Dawn Watts.

Astrid Cutler
Astrid Cutler claimed that the center had assisted in her leaving the hospital after she had recovered.

One of the patients at Turn Furlong recuperating from a hospital stay is Astrid Cutler.

The 86-year-old: "I fell over because of a severe infection in my leg, and I was taken to [Northampton] General Hospital.

She had "a bad episode and they found two ulcers in my stomach, which I didn't know I had" while she was in the hospital for a month.

Three weeks after being moved to Turn Furlong, she complained that she "couldn't walk, couldn't do anything.".

But now, she added, "I can walk, use the restroom, dress myself, get into bed, and get out of bed. It's pretty amazing."

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