Macron says the police killing of the teen was "unforgivable" in Paris

a screenshot from a video shared online, in which the driver of a yellow car is being pointed at by a police offic...

The president of France said "nothing justifies" a young person's death and called the fatal shooting of a teen by police on Tuesday "unforgivable.".

Emmanuel Macron made his remarks after protests over the killing erupted throughout the Paris area overnight.

Nahel, a 17-year-old, was shot while driving after he disobeyed orders to stop.

A police officer is seen on video on social media pointing a gun at the driver of a car before a gunshot is heard and the car comes to a stop.

Despite assistance from emergency personnel, the teenager died from chest bullet wounds.

The officer who is accused of shooting the man has been detained on suspicion of homicide after the video appeared to refute his initial claims that he had used lethal force because he believed his life was in danger.

Following the fatal shooting of the teenager on Tuesday night in Nanterre, a region just west of Paris, there were a number of protests. Following the disturbance, 31 people were detained.

Nahel is the second person to be shot and killed by police in a traffic stop in France this year. 13 people died in this way last year, which is a record.

Police initially allegedly claimed that the teen intentionally drove his car toward them with the intent to harm them, according to French media.

However, video that has been posted online and has been confirmed by the AFP news agency paints a different picture.

There are two officers visible at the car. One shoots what appears to be a point-blank shot at the driver through the window as he tries to take off.

You're going to be shot in the head, someone can be heard saying in the video, according to the agency, though it's not clear who it is.

When the shooting occurred, there were two more people in the car. While one fled, police detained and took custody of another who was also a minor.

Overnight, the incident caused a ruckus that resulted in burning cars, trash cans, and bus shelters. Near the police station, fireworks were also launched. To disperse the protesters, some of whom had built barricades all night, riot police used tear gas.

"Calm for justice to be done," President Macron told reporters in Marseille. "Nothing justifies the death of a young person.".

"I would like to convey the sadness of the entire nation over what has occurred and the passing of young Nahel, and to convey to his family our support and that of the country. ".

"A teen was killed, and we have that. It's inexplicable and unpardonable, he continued, adding that the case had been immediately brought before the courts, where he hoped justice would "do its job promptly.".

The president's comments are intended to diffuse the potentially explosive atmosphere in Nanterre, close to the La Défense commercial district, and other Paris suburbs, where the killing of Nahel has sparked intense emotions.

The government has announced there will be substantial police reinforcements on the streets in response to worries that Tuesday night's riots might be repeated this evening.

The Nanterre shooting is slated to be one of those defining symbolic instances that characterize the tense relationships between police and disgruntled populations in the suburban cités, or estates.

The government will proceed with extreme caution over the coming days because it is the only one who can see this. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin set the tone when he said that the police action appeared to be unacceptable.

There is a risk that the rioting from Tuesday will continue into the upcoming nights. The end of the school year, hot weather, and the lengthy evenings could all easily contribute to driving more youths onto the streets.

The protracted rioting in the suburbs in 2005 is still fresh in people's minds.

One action that might be under consideration is a review of the laws governing police use of firearms at checkpoints.

No one contests the seriousness of the offense or the fact that it occurs far too frequently of failing to stop at a traffic signal. However, French police shot and killed occupants of cars in such circumstances on 13 separate occasions last year. That ominously hints that there is a problem.

Mounia, Nahel's mother, pleaded with people to join her in a march for her son in a video that was uploaded to TikTok.

I implore you all to come. She said, ". "We're all going to be there. ".

"My heart aches for my France. It's a bad situation. Kylian Mbappé, a striker for France and Paris Saint-Germain, posted on Twitter, "All my thoughts go out to Nahel's family and loved ones, this little angel gone far too soon.

Following the teen's death, authorities launched two separate investigations: one into a potential official killing, and another into the driver's failure to stop and alleged attempt to kill a police officer.

The head of the Paris police, Laurent Nuez, told French television station BFMTV that the officer may have felt threatened, but that the officer's actions "raise questions.".

Yassine Bouzrou, the family's attorney, told the same channel that the video "clearly showed a policeman killing a young man in cold blood" and insisted that this was an invalid defense.

The family had complained to the police for "lying," he continued, after initially claiming the car had tried to run down the officers.

This year's second fatal traffic stop shooting in France occurred on Tuesday.

In the western French town of Angoulême, two weeks ago, police shot and killed a 19-year-old driver who they claimed had struck one of them in the legs during a traffic stop.

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