Paris riots: What is known about the police shooting of a teen

An image taken from a video of the fatal Paris shooting at a traffic stop

The events leading up to the fatal police shooting of Nahel M, 17, are being pieced together by the prosecution.

The policeman is still being held after being accused of murder.

Prosecutors claim that by the time police caught up with the car a second time and pulled out their weapons, the teenage driver had already disobeyed a previous order from officers to stop. This is according to their version of events, which was developed after speaking with witnesses and viewing CCTV footage.

An account from one of the passengers has since been posted online; however, the BBC has not yet confirmed it, according to French media.

According to the passenger, who is also a teen, the officers struck Nahel M. three times with the butts of their weapons, which caused him to release the brake on the car.

On Monday, the prosecution and the witness are scheduled to speak.

Here's what we do know.

Tuesday morning around 8:00, according to Nanterre prosecutor Pascal Prache, two police officers saw a Mercedes with a Polish license plate moving quickly in a bus lane.

The officers pursued the car at a stoplight while sounding their siren. Inside were three young men.

Despite the officers' commands for the driver to stop, the car continued on despite the red light. The police started pursuing and radioed their unit.   .

At 8:16, the Mercedes came to a stop in congested traffic. After drawing their weapons and dismounting from their motorcycles, the two officers approached the car.

Later, they admitted to the police that they had pointed their weapons at the driver in an effort to "deter him from driving away again.".

The vehicle rolled forward despite their requests for the driver to turn off the ignition. The young man was struck in the chest by one of the officers' bullets, killing him.

One passenger was taken into custody after the car collided with a roadside barrier, and the other passengers ran away on foot.

According to the passenger, the three friends were cruising around Nanterre when their car veered into the bus lane, prompting two police motorcycles to chase after it.

In both his video and an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien, the young man claims that one of the officers struck the teenage driver with the butt of his gun after Nahel stopped the vehicle.   .

He claims that before the first officer hit him again, the second policeman also hit Nahel.

He admitted that the blows left Nahel M "a little stunned" in an interview with Le Parisien.

Nahel allegedly took his foot off the brake and the car started to move forward after the third blow. Nahel M slumped forward and put his foot on the accelerator after the officer fired, according to the passenger.

The passenger claimed that he chose to leave the vehicle when it came to a stop out of fear that he would also be shot.

The vehicle, a Mercedes A class AMG, has drawn inquiries. It is a rented car, according to the authorities.

Without going into further detail, the emancipated passenger claimed that the three young people had been given it on loan.

Strong German sports cars with Polish license plates can be rented for €300-3,000 (£260-2,600) per day, according to the French automotive website Autoplus.   .

According to Autoplus, young men in French housing estates prefer this kind of short-term rental.

Despite not having a criminal history, Nahel M was well-known to the police.

He had previously received tickets for driving while ineligible for a license (he was too young to have one) and for disobeying a stop command.

He was scheduled to testify in juvenile court in September.

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