A wildlife worker claims that the removal of a swallow colony that was nesting at an ambulance station seems "totally unnecessary and misguided.".
A license has been granted, according to West Midlands Ambulance Service, to allow for the immediate removal of the birds from its Shrewsbury location.
Sarah Gibson argued that the animals would experience "hugely stressful" conditions.
The trust claimed that it was left with "no choice" but to take action.
It claimed there was a risk of clinical equipment stored there becoming contaminated due to bird droppings.
Ms. Gibson, a 23-year veteran of the Shropshire Wildlife Trust, claimed that the colony, which included numerous nesting pairs and many young, would depart on its own in a few weeks anyhow.

After raising their young, "[the birds] will be returning to Africa where they spend their winters," Ms. Gibson said.
She continued by stating that the species was in "steep decline" and that moving them would put the young that had not yet flown in danger.
In the garage, which was used to maintain medical equipment, a spokesman for the ambulance service declared that "we simply cannot have birds.".
In addition to making the workplace unpleasant, the birds are also damaging the facility's equipment and posing a serious risk to patients by contaminating it with their droppings.
The last thing we want to do is harm the birds, but we cannot continue as we are with the infection risk to patients and the costs that should be invested in patient care. He suggested a monthly clean-up bill for the equipment of £3,000, though it was unclear whether the amount was directly related to the birds. ".

Natural England gave permission to take the protected migratory birds out of the area.
Before the license was approved, "all other options were considered," it stated.
Emma Johnson, the West Midlands area manager for Natural England, said that organization "takes the protection of wildlife extremely seriously and it is rare to receive an application of this nature.".
Because the swallow droppings were "contaminating life-saving equipment and posing a risk to health and safety," she claimed, it had been granted "due to the exceptional circumstance". .
Any birds discovered in nests would be tried to be rehomed, according to the ambulance service, which had been put in touch with a charity to assist.
If the birds return, "we will also install bird boxes outside the building, in the hopes that they won't try to nest in the garage again," the spokesperson continued.
The birds have been returning to the location to nest for roughly the last seven years, according to Ms. Gibson, and "there's never been a problem before.".
And how do you rehome a wild bird, she continued.