The 150th anniversary is commemorated by the GSPCA's Purple Month campaign


In Guernsey and elsewhere, the GSPCA has been saving animals for 150 years.

The nonprofit organization claimed to have seen hundreds of thousands of animals, including gulls attacking goldfish and lion cubs as well as penguins and lionesses.

According to the organization, it aids more than 3,000 sick, hurt, stray, mistreated, and unwanted animals annually.

To spread awareness of the "momentous milestone," the charity is launching its Purple Month campaign in February.

In 2022, the GSPCA saved this parrot.
In 2023, gulls attacked a goldfish, which had to be saved.

It said it was running a variety of events and celebrations for an entire month to mark the special achievement since being founded in 1873. Normally, it holds an annual week-long awareness campaign with a purple-colored theme.

We couldn't accomplish as much without the wonderful community, according to manager Steve Byrne.

There are countless tales of the animals we have rescued, like the recently found goldfish Birdseye who has since found a new home. ".

"The GSPCA has seen many changes over the years, from modest beginnings to our incredible animal shelter and charity shop," said Tim Pellet, a GSPCA training and community officer.

Our current biggest challenge is finding the money to support our work for an additional 150 years. ".

Animals have received aid from the GSPCA for 150 years.

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