World's hottest day since records began due to climate change

China fire

On Monday, July 3, the global average temperature surpassed 17 degrees Celsius for the first time, setting a new record.

According to US researchers, the new record set an instrumental record high that dates back to the end of the 19th century.

According to scientists, the heat is being caused by a combination of a recurring human emission of carbon dioxide and a natural weather phenomenon known as El Nio.

Additionally, June of last year was officially the warmest June ever recorded.

The average global temperature broke the previous record of 16.92C set in August 2016 on July 3, according to scientists at the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Researchers have been concerned about rising temperatures on land and at sea since the beginning of this year.

Marine heatwaves in regions that don't typically experience them, like the North Sea, have been followed by spring temperatures that broke records in Spain and many Asian nations.

While the southern US has also been plagued by oppressive temperatures this week, China's ongoing heatwave continued this week with temperatures reaching as high as 35C in some locations.

Since 1979, when satellite monitoring records first started, Monday's high is the warmest. Experts concur that it is the highest level seen since the widespread use of instrumental records started at the turn of the 20th century.

India has experienced the effects of the heat and the drought.

Researchers think that the recent increase in global temperatures is a result of both ongoing carbon dioxide emissions and the naturally occurring El Nio event.

There are three distinct phases of the El Nio Southern Oscillation, or ENSO as it is officially known: hot, cold, or neutral. It is the strongest climate change that has ever occurred on Earth.

According to climate researcher Leon Simons, "the average global surface air temperature reaching 17C for the first time since we have accurate records available is a significant symbolic milestone in our warming world.".

We can anticipate many more daily, monthly, and annual records breaking in the ensuing 1 point 5 years now that the warmer phase of El Nio has begun. ".

The month of June was officially recorded as the hottest June in history as of Monday's record temperature. Between 1850 and 1900, global average temperatures were 1 point 46C higher than the global average.

Chart showing temperatures recorded in June since 1890

While the effects of high temperatures are also being felt at the poles of the globe, the UK also experienced its hottest June. At Ukraine's Vernadsky Research base, a reading of 8.7C broke the July record for the coldest month in Antarctica.

More records are anticipated to be broken as the summer progresses and El Nio intensifies, according to scientists.

According to Karsten Haustein of the University of Leipzig, July has a good chance of being the warmest and hottest month ever, "ever" meaning since the Eemian, or roughly 120,000 years ago.

While temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere will decrease slightly over the next few days, July and August are likely to experience even warmer days given that El Nio is currently in pretty good shape.

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